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Dawn - Octavia Butler


Parable of the Sower - Octavia Butler


Broken Earth Series - NK Jemison


Becoming animal - David Abram


The spell of the sensuous - Suzanne Simard


Wild Souls: Freedom and Flourishing in the Non-Human World - Emma Marris


Hospicing Modernity - Vanessa Machado de Oliveira 


Joyful militancy: Building Thriving Resistance in Toxic Times - Nick Montgomery and Carla Bergman


How To Do Nothing - Jenny Odell


Becoming Kin: An Indigenous Call to Unforgetting the Past and Reimagining Our Future -Patty Krawec

"The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" - by Ursula K LeGuin - from The Wind's Twelve Quarters

"The Ones Who Stay and Fight" - by N. K. Jemisin 

In How Long ‘Til Black Future Month? Orbit Books. 2018.



Scenius: Genius is an ego-system, scenius is an ecosystem. If you look back closely at history, many of the people who we think of as lone geniuses were actually part of “a whole scene of people who were supporting each other, looking at each other’s work, copying from each other, stealing ideas, and contributing ideas.”

Epistemicide: refers to the destruction of existing knowledge

“The time being” is an English translation of the Japanese word uji, which is the title of a short piece of writing about time, by the 13th-century Zen master and poet Eihei Dogen. The time being is deep time, as opposed to linear, chronological time. The time being is a kind of eternal present. A time being is also a being who lives in time, who is alive, and who will therefore die.

Makes me think about mending, reweaving and restitching clothing, culture, community:

"Sashiko: The Japanese Art of Mending Fabric with Beautiful Stitches. It promises a stronger, more magnificent garment. In the times of pre-industrial Japan, fabric was scarce and so garments were mended for a longer life with patches, scraps, and simple stitches."


The Brew/The Break/The Fall: The three tonal and motivational movements of the work. 

The Brew: entry point, something on the horizon, distant danger, externalized threat

The Break: Heat, reflex, urgency, effort,It is upon us moving us and we are in guttural response

The Fall: A settling, smell of rain post storm, the feeling of heat in a room after effort, sorting through the remains

Internal/External Storms: This is a physical motor for movement throughout the work. It connects to a power inside and outside of us that moves us swiftly. It carries our bodies through space and motivates monumental shifts of the group. It can be an internal force such as a memory or reflex and/or an external force such as a swift wind or current.


 Storm Stories: This process was used to collect individual language and physical memories of storms/climate events that the performer has experienced. These storms varied based on region, be it tornado, hurricane, flash flood, tropical storm and/or thunderstorm. A lot of these stories are fragmented throughout the text for the show.

Storm Tracker: A structured group improvisational score, in this each individual follows something external with their eyes. The group attends that to this externalized ‘thing’ as it moves throughout the room. It might change shape, form and distance. At times an individual might be distracted or drawn away from the task. We move through a system of calling each other back with the word, ‘now’, to begin again as the stakes change.​

Readiness/Step Process: In this process we referenced preparedness drills such as fire alarm emergency scenarios, tornado drills, active shooter scenarios.Choreographic processes that kick into gear in emergency situations. What do you grab in the house if you have to evacuate quickly? What do you have stored already for such a scenario? As it manifested in the structure, physical drills and choreography were ‘‘run’. In this, the choreographic system becomes a task to perform in order to achieve a physical state. Individuals follow a specific path, performing their individuated drill in order to support the larger group. We question the efficacy of these drills, whether they actually will save us or are just a system to place our anxiety to feel like we have control.

Long Time: A state that we enter in the fall. A significant shift in perceiving time as extended and infinite. In a state of time that has existed long before us and will exist long after. Like the presence of a stone, mountain, gem, or tree. Drawn from ‘uji’ and other cultural references of non-linear time.



bibliography designed by: Jasmine Hearn

arranged by: taylor knight

includes photography by: Jan-Tosh Gerling

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